Jazz Jamboree 2024

Strona główna / Jazz Jamboree 2024 / 27 października 2024

Dzień 3

27.10.2024, niedziela
godz. 00:00


cena obejmuje dni
25-27 października 2024
Sektor 1
Parter rząd 1-10 Balkon rząd 1A, 2A
850 zł
Sektor 2
Parter rząd Balkon rząd
720 zł
Sektor 3
Parter rząd
560 zł

Bilety normalne/ulgowe

cena obejmuje cały dzień
Sektor 1
Parter rząd 1-10 Balkon rząd 1A, 2A
330/280.5 zł
Sektor 2
Parter rząd 11-17 Balkon rząd 1-5
280/238 zł
Sektor 3
Parter rząd od 18
220/187 zł
Kolejność wykonawców w ramach dnia koncertowego może ulec zmianie.
Wykonawcy występują po sobie od godz. 19 bez specjalnych przerw


Raffaele Matta Trio
Raffaele Matta Trio
Eivind Aarset Quartet
Eivind Aarset Quartet
Tu-Ner : Trey Gunn - Pat Mastelotto - Markus Reuter
Tu-Ner : Trey Gunn - Pat Mastelotto - Markus Reuter

więcej o wykonawcach

  • Raffaele Matta Trio
    Raffaele Matta Trio
    • Raffaele Matta: Guitar
    • Andrea Parodo: Bass
    • Nicola Vacca: Drums
  • Eivind Aarset Quartet
    Eivind Aarset Quartet
    • Eivind Aarset guitar
    • Audun Erlien bass
    • Wetle Holte drms
    • Erland Dahlen drums

    Eivind Aarset is a guitarist with a unique musical vision that absorbs and reflects all manner of music while retaining an enviable individualism and high quality craftsmanship that can span from quiet intimacy to searing intensity. His debut as a bandleader on Jazzland Recordings was described by the New York Times as “One of the best post-Miles electric jazz albums,” setting a high benchmark that Aarset has consistently met and exceeded, both in the studio and in live performance.

    «Phantasmagoria, or A Different Kind of Journey» is the latest album by the Eivind Aarset 4tet, released September 2021 at Punkt Festival, Kristiansand. Featuring Eivind Aarset, Wetle Holte, Erland Dahlen and Audun Erlien, the album is no departure in terms of the compositional quality contained therein, as it remains gold standard. But sonically and texturally? This album features more traditional guitar sounds and techniques than can be found on almost all of his previous albums taken together, while still incorporating his signature tonal manipulations that render the guitar sound into almost unrecognizable forms

    The album traverses the full gamut of the instrument’s tonal possibilities, from Joe Pass tones to ambient textural soundbeds, from blistering shredding to controlled noise and signal. The line-up is augmented by Jan Bang and John Derek Bishop on several tracks, and Arve Henriksen on one.. The compositions by turns can be straightforward instrumentals with a heavy groove, rhapsodic tone poems, quasi-ambient jazz, expressionistic campaigns of sonic annihilation, delicate variations and improvisational explorations built upon melody and harmony, and, not infrequently, a combination of any or all of the above. The “Different Kind of Journey” of “Phantasmagoria” takes us through a preamble consisting of the hazy fuzz of “Intoxication” with its lazy backbeat and psychedelic tightrope walk of dreamscape over chaos, to “Pearl Hunter” with its bossanova groove filtered through ambient rock.

    “Phantasmagoria, Or a Different Kind of Journey” is an album that delivers a multifaceted experience: it is a soundtrack to an inner journey of remembered or imaginary landscapes and spaces; a travelogue of musical styles, sounds and eras; a simulacrum of the live touring experience. This album, perhaps more than any of his previous releases, is one that proudly and confidently wears Aarset’s influences on its sleeve – a bold move, but one that serves to underline how he is infinitely more than the sum of those influences. This latest chapter in his weaving of the unified tapestry of his career shows how Aarset is capable of finding new threads in unexpected colours, of innovation and reinvention.

    As one of Norway’s most in-demand guitarists, Eivind Aarset has worked with Jon Hassell, David Sylvian, Bill Laswell, Jan Garbarek, Paolo Fresu, Marilyn Mazur, J.Peter Schwalm, Mike Manieri, Marc Ducret, Michel Benitas Ethics, Martux-M, Stefano Battaglia, Michele Rabbia, Talvin Singh, and Andy Sheppard. He has worked with Nils Petter Molvaer’s band, (appearing on all of Molvaer’s albums, including the breakthrough album «Khmer» and 2006’s award-winning «ER»). He also has collaborated with Dhafer Youssef, both live and in the studio.

  • Tu-Ner : Trey Gunn - Pat Mastelotto - Markus Reuter
    Tu-Ner : Trey Gunn - Pat Mastelotto - Markus Reuter
    • Pat Mastelotto - drums
    • Markus Reuter - guitar
    • Trey Gunn - wars guitar

    Picture, if you will, a sonic tapestry woven by three extraordinary talents, brought together to create a musical journey unlike any other. Enter the realm of Tu-Ner, a new band formed by the convergence of drumming virtuoso Pat Mastelotto, touch guitar maestro Markus Reuter, and the visionary Warr guitarist Trey Gunn. Together, they craft a harmonious blend of rhythms and melodies that transcend the boundaries of genre and transport listeners to uncharted territories of audio exploration. With their collective mastery, Tu-Ner offers an auditory experience that defies expectations, taking you on an otherworldly voyage through intricate compositions and mesmerizing soundscapes. Prepare to enter a dimension of musical artistry where innovation meets transcendence. Welcome to the realm of Tu-Ner – where the boundaries of sound and imagination intertwine in perfect harmony.


Pozostałe koncerty biletowane

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Sektor 1 330 zł
Sektor 2 280 zł
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Cena biletów normalnych/ulgowych

cena obejmuje cały dzień
Parter rząd Balkon rząd
1-10 1A, 2A
330/280.5 zł
Parter rząd Balkon rząd
11-17 1-5
280/238 zł
Parter rząd
od 18
220/187 zł

Kup bilet

Cena Karnetów

cena obejmuje dni
25-27 października 2024
Parter rząd Balkon rząd
1-10 1A, 2A
850 zł
Parter rząd Balkon rząd
11-17 1-5
720 zł
Parter rząd
od 18
560 zł

Kup karnet

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego, w ramach programu „Muzyka”, realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca.
Dofinansowano ze Środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Projekt współfinansowany przez m.st. Warszawa
Projekt współfinansowany przez STOART
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca m.st. Warszawa STOART